Aluminum oxide nanoparticles
Zhi Zhou1, Dr. Haixiong Tang1, Dr. Henry A. Sodano1, 2* 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering 2Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida...
Keywords: Ceramics, Deposition, Diffraction, Electronics, Electrophoresis, Materials Science, Microscopy, Nanomaterials, Solvents, Spectroscopy
Hydrogen is one of the most important resources in providing food, fuel, and chemical products for our everyday life. Sustainable catalytic hydrogen production from bioethanol has gained significant ...
Hong Xie, Eric Weitz, and Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier
Material Matters, 2012 v7, n4
Keywords: Absorption, Adsorption, Applications, Boudouard reaction, Catalysis, Dehydration reaction, Dehydrogenation, Deposition, Fermentation, Methods, Polymerization reactions, Precipitation, Redox Reactions, Renewable energy, Search, Support
The field of unconventional electronics represents a new opportunity for the semiconductor and electronics industries.1 This broad field encompasses both “printed organic/inorganic” and “transparent”...
Antonio Facchetti, Tobin J. Marks
Keywords: Absorption, Adhesion, Adsorption, Chemical vapor deposition, Deposition, Electronics, Evaporation, Industries, Material Matters, Microscopy, Nanomaterials, Nanotubes, Nucleic acid annealing, Reductions, Scanning electron microscopy, Search, Semiconductor, Solvents, Spectroscopy, Support, Type
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